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Monday, November 12, 2012

The Egg Nog Tini

Anyone who knows me for one minute...knows I HATE LATE FALL AND WINTER. Despise it. I keep trying to keep up my happiness factor once late November hits, but I really stink at it. If I could work and live in a spot where I NEVER had to see snow again, I would do a jig!

A couple of years ago, my husband brought home a card from Bacardi that a taster had been giving out and they had the recipe for an Egg Nog Tini. Now, I have made other Egg Nog Tinis before, but they have left me as cold as the outdoors! Until I tasted this one. Now, we get our Egg Nog from Aldi. I used to spend $9 a bottle for egg nog and found the Aldi brand gave the same taste/quality as the local dairy brand for a fraction of the cost. Plus, I didn't have to purchase a 1/2 gallon bottle. So come November...I am always perusing the Aldi refrigerators eagerly anticipating the arrival of their Christmas special products which Egg Nog fits into.

To boot, they have a spice cookie (again a special purchase) which do a beautiful rimmer and topping.

So, how easy is this tini? It only has 2 ingredients! Now that is easy.


2 oz Bacardi Gold
4 oz Egg Nog

Spiced cookies ground down.(optional)

Canned in whipped cream


1) Fill a shaker half way with ice. Pour liquid in and shake for no less than 60 seconds. (This is a 'tini which must be served ice cold!)

2) Rim glass and pour drinks in. Top with whipped cream and additional cookie crumbs.

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